This movie 'blade runner' looks as if it is set in space or the future as there are either buildings or weird looking space shuttles in the bottom of the poster. The man in the top right who is most likely to be the main hero in the film is holding a futuristic looking gun which also shows this film could be about the future. The flashing light in the top left corner could show this film is maybe set in space as the background looks like a dark starry sky.
The genre of this film would be science fiction with the futuristic looking effects. Film noir which is a cinematic term used primarily to describe stylish Hollywood crime dramas could also be considered as the woman with the cigarette looks like a femme fatal with her red lipstick and classy hair-do. The man is also holding a gun which could mean the film is an action movie.
I think the target audience for this film would probably be males as they are most likely to be interested in films with guns, gadgets and action.
I think the target audience for this film would probably be males as they are most likely to be interested in films with guns, gadgets and action.
This movie 'scary movie 2' is a parody as the tagline is 'absolutely hilarious!' and the characters are all dressed to mock other horror movies such as the exorcist and house on haunted hill. There are characters such as the priest and main character from 'The Exorcist', as well as a character from the horror 'what lies beneath'
'Scary Movie 2' is clearly a comedy movie as this is a parody mocking a mixture of horror movies, to make the movies seem amusing rather than scary.
The target audience for this film would be teenagers and maybe adults under 30 who enjoy comedies or "spoofs".
This movie 'Uzak' looks like a foreign movie as the phrase 'uzak' as a literal meaning in Turkish translates distant. This could suggest that he is distant from someone or something, or he is lonely as the setting looks grimy, polluted and isolated which means the character could be lost in an unknown area of danger.This could also be about a war as the background looks as if there has been an explosion.
The genre for this movie looks like some sort of drama as the poster doesn't show a clear genre, or maybe a film about memory loss as the title means 'distant'
The target audience for this movie would be mostly middle aged people who are interested in this type of genre, as young adults of children wouldn't be very attracted to such movies.
This movie 'I'm not scared' looks like a film where there is a boy who is trying to conquer a fear that could be adventurous,as he is observing something over a strange looking hole; the hole is a reminder of the classic 'Alice In Wonderland' as the main character falls down a hole with great adventure ahead, this film may be similar as there is small boy who could be going on a strange adventure.
The genre of this would be thriller as the poster shows this is an "award winning thriller"
The target audience for this film would be 12+ as it looks adventurous and the film has a young boy as the main character, which is appealing to young people.
This movie 'sin city' could be about a group of people who are either against one another, or in a team fighting against evil. The characters shown in the poster could have committed sins as they are each holding a weapon, mostly guns; this could show how violence and action is the key in this movie. The use of black and white in the poster suggest how darkness and danger could also be a part of the film.
The genre of this movie would belong to is Action, thriller, crime fiction and maybe film noir due to the colours of the poster and font of the title.
The target audience for this movie would probably be 18+ as this is a thriller which would mostly be viewed by adults.
Pirates of the Caribbean looks like an adventurous movie as there is a pirate ship in the poster with a type of sea monster beside it and forest areas are also in the poster which suggest that this film could also have obstacles of danger as forests are dark and mysterious. The whole adventure is for the 'dead mans chest' which is in the title of the movie and there is evil in the movie as there is a skull on fire in the title. There is also a woman in the poster which could further suggest that there is a type of love story in the movie.
The genre of Pirate of the Caribbean would be fantasy as there could be mythical creatures included, adventure and action would also come into the genre of this movie.
The target audience for this film would be around 15-45 as this is an adventurous movie which has many sequels and has become a very popular series of fantasy.
This story line of this movie 'Bride and Prejudice' is of two individuals that fall for each other, but are of two different cultures, as you can see the difference of their families in the background. The film consists of both families creating tension as they come from different backgrounds, however the confetti and celebration create a positive vibe. There is also a lot of humor used in the movie.
The genres for this film would include comedy, drama, musical and most importantly romance.
The target audience for this would mainly be females 18+ who are interested in love and relationships, whereas men don't have as much interest in these things. This movie would also attract ethnic groups as the film includes diverse cultures.
This movie 'Million dollar baby' seems to be about a woman who is a boxer, judging by her sporty clothing and her built up body. Her facial expression shows determination, one of the men in the background could be her trainer as she could be preparing for a special event, the dark colours in the poster could show some kind of suspense or tension in the movie.
The genre for this would be drama and sport.
The target audience would be both males and females as aged 14+ as there is mainly sports involved in the movie.
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