The fault in our stars
The equilibrium is where the main female protagonist has her falls in love with a guy who loves her for who she is.
The disequilibrium is where the female character has to be rushed to hospital as something had happened to her due to her cancer.
The new equilibrium is where the female character dies in the end.
The enigma code is whether the female dies or not.
The hero: the male
The princess: The female
The action codes for this were when the protagonist took out the gun as it indicates that' somebody's about to die or get injured. Also when he chases another man the audience knows that something is about to happen to the guy getting chased.The enigma codes were when his daughter was taken- who took her? Why did they take her? What is her father going to do?
There's is disequilibrium as there is an unfortunate event of the protagonists daughter being taken away and it isn't clear whether there's a resolution or not.
There's is disequilibrium as there is an unfortunate event of the protagonists daughter being taken away and it isn't clear whether there's a resolution or not.
Barthes enigma code is expressed here is the window the main character is talking to then the action code briefly follows by showing a scary looking woman at the other side of the window holding a candle. This is then interlinked with Propps seven spheres of action on analysing the different types of characters. The hero is the one standing opposite the old woman Thai is because there is more top angled lighting making him appear dominate and powerful, where as 'the villain' has less lighting making her appear more dangerous and evil. The donor and the princess is both expressed by his wife the donor being her voice leading him back to his body, this also makes her the princess in need of rescuing because the lost souls are crowding around her. The equilibrium is when the man is closer to his body then there is an in equilibrium when he sees the old woman at the other-side of the window, causing him to waste time so he doesn't make it to his body, the new equilibrium is when he starts hearing his wife's voice eventually making his way to his body.
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