Friday, 27 February 2015

Jonathan Ross show: Television

1) What is the history of the Jonathan Ross show? What channels has it appeared on? Why has Jonathan Ross been a controversial media figure in the past?
The Jonathan Ross Show is a British talk show presented by Jonathan Ross. It was first broadcast on ITV on 3 September 2011 and airs on Saturday evenings following the conclusion of Ross' BBC One chat show, Friday Night with Jonathan Ross, in July 2010.

2) Identify the target audience for this interview (demographics/psychographics) and say why.
There are many target audiences. As the Jonathan Ross show attracts middle aged middle class and working class people. They would watch this. If they knew Plan B was appearing on the show then maybe teenagers and underclass people would watch the show too. The show is there to open people but only a few people from certain classes watch this show.

3) What is the audience appeal for a programme like the Jonathan Ross show?
The audience appeal for this show is that Jonathan Ross is a well-known person. He is there to  be funny and have a laugh but also get along with the people that come on his show. The show is quite friendly and has a lot of audience.

4) How is Plan B (the brand) represented in this text?
Plan B is represented in many ways. He seen as a rapper and a director in some people eyes and because of his rap career he seen in a bad light sometimes because of the music he raps about. He raps about things that bother him and tries to tell a story so that everyone can hear and understand it. The only people that understand are teenagers.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

SBTV: Broacast/online

1) What is SBTV? Research the channel and explain how it became successful.
Identify the target audience for this interview (demographics/psychographics) and say why.
SB.TV is the UK's leading online youth broadcaster covering all angles in and out of the music scene. With millions of views in the past month SB.TV is the leader in its field of new media broadcasters, an online lifestyle channel attracting a global audience.Broadcasting exclusively on the internet, the number of views and subscriptions are continuing to rise. The target audience for this would be young people who are in their teens. The demographics for this would be C/D. 

2) What is the audience appeal for an interview like this? How does the opening of the clip emphasise this appeal?
The start of the clip shows one of the actors from the 'Ill Manors' movie trying to secretly get an interview with Plan B. This would appeal to the target audience by portraying people who are trying to be adventurous and sort of breaking the rules. The interview is informal and uses some inappropriate language (such as swearing) which would also attract the target audience. 

3) How is Plan B (the brand) represented in this text?
Plan B is presented as very hard-working and determined as he's aiming to get the best footage together as possible in his final result for his first movie 'ill manors'. He states in the interview how he sleeps with his shoes on which proves how hard he is actually working to get this film to be as perfect as possible. In addition, Plan B is seen as laid-back and relaxed as well as serious because he will not stop working until he is completely satisfied that he's working at his best ability.

Ill Manors: Print platform

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?
Males from ages 20-40 in particular, those who are quite confident in achieving and succeeding in the political serious world the psycho graphic group is succeeder's. In the demographic group, the readers would be B/A.

2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory)
The article helps to inform, seen as a source of 'surveillance' to keep updated on the media world. However, entertainment is key as it discusses the interests of a hip-hop artist which is different for a sophisticated broadsheet like the guardian, 

3) Does this text allow the audience to participate/contribute? (E.g. leave comments) How is this different to the print version of the magazine? 
The article includes hyper links to more reviews articles on the movie from different columnists etc, but also social media on the side has been intertwined into the article, places to leave comments or follow the social sites to keep updated with any latest news of follow up features of the movie.

4) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 
Tagline which summarises the articles purpose, central image to help the audience identity Plan B - he looks smart and sophisticated, away from his urban/street look

5) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article?
As well as other articles the actual film itself Ill manors is spoken about but it is linked to reality and drew's experiences himself, how he struggled to be poplar because he came from a consumer society, the struggles of having to wear his sisters trainers or even being showered with praises for producing a 'fucking shit drawing'. The all doubtfully suggest the amount of attention and love a child requires during its childhood to really form a sane and what appears to be 'respectful and successful' in society.

6) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied?This relates to the Jonathan Ross shows, particularly how he discusses his business ventures and trying to work in film.

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?
Between the ages of 28 - 36, 66% males, over 61% of readers are educated, have high interest in high-end fashion, style and culture. This could appeal to reformers who may be experimenting a new style, but mainly mainstreamers who want an insight on new fashion, the most popular brands and want an understanding of learning about different cultures.

2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory)
The article informs the reader on Plan B's view of rioters and a justification for their actions especially across pop culture, in reference to Jay-Z's 'No Church In The World' video. This interview helps develop personal identity and for people start to form their own opinions.

3) Does this text allow the audience to participate/contribute? (E.g. leave comments) How is this different to the print version of the magazine?
Yes, people are allowed to leave comments and give their opinion.

4) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 
Title, tagline - relating to article's discussion and quotes from Plan B direct.

5) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article?
The article is written sophisticated to help Plan B voice his opinion to a more upper-class and educated audience. 

6) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied?
This relates to the Tedx lecture as he's providing a justification for the youth's actions.

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted?
 NME is a music magazine which targets mainly men aged between 17-30, this target audience would be classed as C1,C2 or D on the standard occupational classification, meaning people between lower middle class/skilled working class and working class are all targets of this specific magazine publication. As NME stands for New Musical Express, it appeals to people with an interest in new music and artists and/or people in a band. Over the 60 year NME has been published, many famous musicians have starred on the front cover. Musicians such as Elvis Presley, Tom Jones and The Rolling Stones all featured on the front cover of NME many times.Mainly male artists are featured on the magazines front cover but there has been a few women such as Grace Jones and Madonna.More recently however, female artists such as Lily Allen and Lana Del Rey have feature on the cover. NME appeals to a variety of countries also as different musicians from all over the world have featured on the front cover.

2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory)

The article informs the audience about political affairs as well as Plan B's overall opinion

3) Does this text allow the audience to participate/contribute? (E.g. leave comments) How is this different to the print version of the magazine?

Yes, the audience have the chance to voice their opinion and give back their feedback.

4) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 

There is an image of Plan B to help promote his star image and make his brand image more appealing because he's discussing political issues. 

5) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article?

Plan B is discussing political affairs which his fans wouldn't usually associate him with because he's more urban and street. Plan B is giving insight into his opinion on the political world and how it affects the youth. 

6) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied?
This text links with the Tedx lecture because they both discuss the theme of politics and a justification for why the government isolate certain type of groups in society.

1) Identify the target audience (demographics/psychographics) for this magazine. How is that particular audience attracted? 
The target audience for this magazine would go under the B/C demographic, as males are mostly interested in sports and are health conscious. The pschographics would be aimed at mainly reformers, people who want change their lives  and this can be done through becoming more healthier. 

2) Does the article do more than just entertain? How? (Think of Uses and Gratifications theory)

The article informs and gives tips of how Ben Drew lost weight through taking jogs around the park. The article helps the reader form a personal identity - if they want to reinvent and change to a healthier lifestyle. The article include the element of diversion as it provides entertainment for fans of Plan B and keeps them updated with his lifestyle. 

3) Does this text allow the audience to participate/contribute? (E.g. leave comments) How is this different to the print version of the magazine?

Men's Health allows the audience to participate by letting them leave comment on the actual page. 

4) What codes/conventions of print interviews can you find in the article? 

Images of Plan B - the article is all about his fitness and healthier lifestyle, this enhances his star image
Colour scheme - the titles are teal colour, this promotes sophistication 

5) How is narrative used to tell a story in each interview? Clue: what is it that keeps the reader interested in the article?

The article uses dialogue from Plan B himself and how himself changed his ways, this engages with the reader because the dialogue is coming from Plan B himself and isn't made up by a journalist.

6) What synergy can you find between this text and the broadcast examples we have studied?

Both the print interview and the interview with SBTV show how Plan B is working hard to achieve something. 

Ill manors index

  • ILL MANORS: FILM REVIEW: film review
  • PRINT - ILL MANORS: Print platform
  • PRINT - ILL MANORS: Branding
  • E-MEDIA - ILL MANORS: E media
  • ILL MANORS: INSTITUTION RESEARCH - Institution research
  • A FIELD IN ENGLAND: Field in England
  • Friday, 6 February 2015

    ILL manors: Broadcast platform concluded

    What does this tell us about Plan B's intentions in making the film?
    Plan B's intentions were to show that teenagers who are seen as a nuisance and useless as vulnerable people who have no direction in their life as they have "nobody to show them love or put them in their right path" (Plan B). He wants to show the public the reasons why these teenagers behave the way they do. He wants people to 'feel something' whilst watching the film which is why he uses such graphic scenes such as filming in a crack den; the crack den used in the movie was and actual crack den as Drew wanted everything to look real and not staged(also he was on a low budget). He wants the audience to connect with the characters and feel what they're going through as for him it shows that they care and this is exactly the feeling he was trying to achieve.

    When making the film ILL Manors Ben drew wanted to present how taking away opportunities for the youth will lead them to take part in drugs and violence as that is there only way out. Plan B gained a "clear sense" of what he wanted to promote and this was a clarification as to why the youth are seen as negative and this is down to the fact that society tends to alienate this group (by taking away opportunities). The photographer himself stated how Plan B himself wanted to provide two hours of "entertainment" as long as educating the youth. 

    2) What do we learn about the production process for Ill Manors?
    The camera crew and the actors themselves faced a few problems as they were filming in Forest Gate where there a lot of people who think they "run the streets" meaning they came up to the crew and told them that they can't film there as they own the streets but eventually through retaliation and use of 'bigger gangsters' they were allowed to film in their selected location. As the production was low budget they didn't have much technical equipment such as back lighting to use in the dark etc. so they couldn't make the movie look very dramatic and do things like highlight certain features of the actors faces as they do in professional Hollywood films. 

    Plan B got his love for filming through having to help one of his friends in making a short film for the London Film Festival-he initially wrote a 20 page script but was told that it was way too long and they only had one night to shoot it and no money. So he cut the script to five pages and made it a music video featuring Ed Skrien who is one of the main characters in Ill manors. This is what started his love for filming and allowed him to make the film.

    What can you tell about the possible target audience from this short documentary?
     From Ed who is speaking in the documentary, we learn that the target audience is mainly the people who were not rioting, and the people who do not appreciate the presence of council housed children. This struck confusion to me firstly, as it thought the attempt to reinforce the stereotype actually overpowered the intention to subvert the stereotype. Similarly, as Plan B was once a council house child himself, the audience instantaneously assume that the target audience would be people like himself, which may have decreased the success rate that the film had. The main audience that Plan B aimed to target were the resigned and succeeder's, however, the audience had thought it was the opposite of struggler's and reformers. However, everyone agreed that the social class would be in the boundaries of ABC1


    Ben drew (Plan B) was excluded from high school in year 10 so attended another school later on.The people there had no respect for authority like him as the felt ignored by society- only listened to rappers.
    Words guided them although they were negative.
    He's a fan of concious hip hop.
    Child stabbing another child- against it but understands they're from broken families.
    Album allowed him to act as father figure to these kids.
    Ill manors- nobody wanted to take the chance with him as he wasn't famous and hadn't directed before. After his album became number one everyone wanted him but he'd already signed for a low budget deal.
    All boys school welcomed him he found a lot of talent, one of them didn't make it but he became main star of top boy.
    Chav-  underclass background, use to mean child.
    Can't make fun out of race or sex in the same way or there'd be scrutiny.
    Riots- teenagers didn't feel part of society, from a dysfunctional background.
    Group of boys told him to get off their property when filming near the station, ended up being main stars in the film as they respected him for standing up to them.

    What are Plan B's beliefs/politics? What are his values/ideologies? Explain your answers.
    Plan B believes that there is a reason behind the vicious circle of youth's not obeying to authority is due to the fact that they feel ignored by society and that authority shows that they don't care. Since Plan B has been in that position before as he was was kicked out of school in year 10 and was put in a pupil referral unit called the Tunmarsh Centre in Plaistow were he shared the same opinion and beliefs with other kids which was that they didn't respect authority because they felt ignored and that they didn't fit in. He wants to contradict the dominant ideology of today that young people are known for being up to no good. Plan B also wants to give young people a chance to succeed in life and not to feel discouraged by how the media portrays them or how authority treats them. 

    What does Plan B say about the media? Explain how this can be linked to Cohen's media theory of moral panics?
    A moral panic is an intense feeling expressed in a population about an issue that appears to threaten the social order. So it is a public anxiety or alarm in response to a problem regarded as threatening the moral standards of society. This links to what Plan B says about the media. He said that the media always convey young people as dangerous and rebellious and calls them names like chav (Council House and Violent). By doing this, the public beings to associate danger with young people due to moral panic the media shows. Cohen's theory suggests that moral panic can bring fear and therefore if people begin to fear young people, the police will be continuously scrutinizing them. Plan B wanted to get that point through and show how the media contributes to he vicious circle. 

    Ill manors sound track

    ll Manors is a soundtrack album by the rapper Plan B. It was released on 23rd July 2012. 
     Ill Manors (album) was going to be released on May 7th by Atlantic Records. The release date was put back until July 16th. An album launch party had took place in the underground car park in south east London as it went with the theme of the movie.
    The track Ill Manors first premiered on BBC Radio 1 on 27th Feb 2012, the music video came out on 4th march 2012. The song Ill Manors came at number 6 on the UK singles chart in April. He released another song '"Deepest Shame" on 9th September 2012, it featured Anoushka Mond who played a character called Michelle in Ill Manors. His sales very pretty good as it was appealing to most audiences as well as the film promoting his music and his music promoting his film. The general public were able to take note of what plan B was trying to achieve and it made him more successful. Ill Manors had got many positive and good comments from other artists KanoTakura Tendayi and John Cooper ClarkeThe album was nominated for the Mercury Prize, which would be the first soundtrack album to be nominated. Music review website Metacritic gave the album a score of 83/100, this was based on 14 professional critics which indicate a 'universal acclaim.' 

    Monday, 2 February 2015

    MEST2 Tutorial

    -2 locations shut but may need to re-shoot. May replace station location with bus stop
    -  Will finish during half-term, cutting it fine but just do-able

    - Photo shoot Wednesday after school 3-4 pm
    -Double page spread, needs more planning urgently

    -Harmony+Jasmine check folders folders for 12 pages