Wednesday, 29 April 2015

June 2010 question 2

Tag London: involved the audience as they used them to promote the movie and Plan B's ideology's. They did this by using the audience to tag London buildings with tags about politicians to raise awareness about the movie and Plan B himself.

Twitter: not true as the audience can tweet their thoughts about the movie but doesn't really change the outcome of the final product. However by people tweeting things like they enjoyed the movie and getting other people to go and watch it they promote the movie.

Instagram: There is no Instagram page

Facebook: The Facebook page is very similar to the Twitter page as they both use the same way to involve the audience excluding the Tag London campaign.

Using underprivileged youth in the movie kind of changed the out come as they give the film more of a realism. It also gives the audience more of a genuine personal identity or relationship with the characters as they know

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