This is a dominant illustration of how Britain is seen
This is an alternative illustration of how Britain is seen
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Friday, 12 December 2014
Represention collage
My first collage is a 'dominant' representation of what women are stereotyped to be:
DOMINANT: women should be cooking, cleaning and looking after children. Women are seen as the weaker sex.
My second collage is an 'alternative' representation of women:
ALTERNATIVE: Women represented as successful, an icon, being wealthy and prosperous. This goes against the dominant stereotype of which women only belong at home and shouldn't be victorious. These celebrities go against the stereotype of what women should be like, as a result this makes them icons.
Monday, 8 December 2014
Preliminary exercise evaluation
In this preliminary
task we had to work in groups to produce a 30 second duration clip. We had to
follow specific filming rules such as the 180 degree rule as well as match on
action and shot/reverse shots. Due to
this being a preliminary task, mistakes were acceptable so we could learn from
learn from them when filming the real thing. My group included me Harmony and
Samsam, we all worked well together as me and harmony were acting and Samsam
was filming most of the clip. The video had Harmony walking up the school
stairs, opening the corridor and walking in to a classroom. The next scene was
of me sitting on a desk on the phone, Harmony came and sat in the desk, we
exchanged dialogue with over the shoulder shots. The storyline was that Harmony
was having issues with me and she was pressurised to have a dodgy job done for
me. The preliminary task was called footsteps.
The things
that well for our group was that we got the task done on time, even though we didn’t
finish editing at the apple store and had to finish this on school computers.
There was good use of match on action when Harmony opened and closed the door.
The clip met the brief as it showed the character opening a door, crossing a
room and sitting on a chair opposite another character and then exchanging two
lines of dialogue. The brightness throughout the clip was consistent as
everything was visible, not to light or not too dark. Another thing that went
well for our group is that our narrative was good and clear to the audience.
We had to progress the sound
next time when filming and to accurately follow the 180-degree rule
when filming next time in the future as it wasn’t the best it could
be. The audio sounded indistinct sometimes because we were facing some
technical issues with the microphone. Now that we have completed the
preliminary exercise my group is more self-assured with using the equipment.
Also, some shots lost focus because of the timing and in order to prevent
this from happening in the future it's best to press the record button
then have the action taking place just a few seconds after in order to
avoid losing focus. In addition, more footage was needed in order let the
editing run smoothly and not let the action feel rushed. Some shots were
repeated and cut out – this was done because more footage was needed to meet
the brief. Moreover, a shot/reverse shot was needed and had to be filmed
efficiently to make the clip feel realistic. We slightly attempted to use a
shot/reverse shot but repeated the same shots because more footage was needed.
I also think that an effective sound bridge could have been used to match the
high school theme. Also we had to reshoot and finish off editing in school as
we didn’t get it all done in the Apple store.
Friday, 5 December 2014
Learner response- editing
There has
been slow paced editing used throughout this clip to build up tension
effectively. As Keaton approaches his killer his eye line match in particular
raises tension- this is because the killer is kept anonymous at first and the
audience are denied any access to finding out the identity of the killer. There
is also slow motion used when a cigarette is throw onto the petrol, followed by
the final shot of flames firing into the sky. This increases the emotional
impact and the atmosphere is more dramatic. The atmosphere links with the music
well to create a sensation of gripping action. Transitions have been used in
the end of the final shot- a dissolve has been used to link the opening scene
to a press conference. The purpose of this dissolve is to show how the time has
passed. Also an enigma code has been used here at the end of the clip to make
the audience question and wonder what the resolution will be at the press
conference and weather Keaton’s killer ever gets caught.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Audience theory
How can you link this news article to the hypodermic needle theory?
The hypodermic needle model is a model of communications suggesting that an intended message is directly received and accepted by the receiver.
The hypodermic needle model is a model of communications suggesting that an intended message is directly received and accepted by the receiver.
The article describes how playing video games increases aggressive behaviour, in further detail it indicates how to media are successful in influencing their audience through products (such as video games). The article states how "previous studies have revealed a single violent gaming session can increase short-term aggression", this is evidence that video games can prompt users to become more aggressive and short-tempered.
Find another online article/academic study that challenges the belief that violent video games are harmful. Provide the link and summarise its key points.
What's your view on this debate?
What's your view on this debate?
This article suggest that playing video games may improve "learning, health and social skills," as well as strengthen a range of cognitive abilities including problem solving, reasoning, memory and perception, It also states that violent video games enhance a player's capacity to think about objects in three dimensions.
The media over exaggerate how video games can be dangerous. Video games are created for entertainment and fun purposes.However in some cases video games can lead to very dangerous situations, most of the population play video games and not everyone experiences these dangerous situations. It could be argued that the people who experience these situations are usually depressed.
How can you link this feature to the two-step flow model?
Jamal Edwards is the owner of SBTV, a broadcasting company that makes videos - typically music videos featuring rap and pop music stars - and puts them up on YouTube. He has over a million hits and this makes him appear as an 'opinion leader' - who influences the youth of today as they can relate to him and his content he promotes.
- Zoella
- Fleur de force
- Joey graceffa
- Lily pebbles
- Marcus Butler
- Zoella -Zoella YouTube
Zoella is a popular vlogger who is well-known for posting tutorials on hair, skincare and make-up. This influences the younger teens, such as teenage girls who are interested in fashion and beauty. She has been widely recognised and have over a million hits, automatically this prompts girls to check out her posts.
- Fleur De Force - Fleur DeForce YouTube
Fleur is also a fashion and beauty vlogger. Fleur is sophisticated in her tutorials and also influences the younger generation.
- Joey graceffa
Joey graceffa is also a very well know vlogger who is a Streamy Award-winning actor, top Internet personality, and two-time Amazing Race contestant with approximately 4 million YouTube subscribers.
- Lily pebbles
Lily is a popular vlogger like zoella and Fleur who is well-known for posting tutorials on hair, skincare and make-up. This influences the younger teens, such as teenage girls who are interested in fashion and beauty.
- Marcus Butler-
Marcus is is a British internet personality and vlogger, he posts videos similar to Joey Graceffa.
Dependency theory
What do you primarily use the media for?
I primarily use the media for entertainment, I usually spend a lot of time online going on YouTube to listen to music or watch videos. I also use the internet to watch movies online to occupy my time. I usually use the media for celebrity gossip as I like to keep up with the latest celebrity news, so I use websites such as Daily mail, E online and Hollywood life.
To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media?
Everyone is very dependent on the media as people use their phones and computers everyday to find out latest news and gossip, or use twitter, Facebook, and instagram to check out updates from the celebrities they have interest in. The older generation are also very dependent on the media, as they would like to know what's going on around the world and what the latest news is, so they would watch the news to find out all these things.
Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years?
Peoples dependence on the media has changed over the last ten years as there has been many changes in society. The biggest reason would be that technology has been advanced in these past few years, technology has been taken to a whole new level and is becoming more advanced year by year, introducing smart phones and tablets, which weren't around in the past. This new technology is changing today's world, and everyone now is very dependent on media as they have everything they need to find out the latest news, gossip, fashion and trends.
I primarily use the media for entertainment, I usually spend a lot of time online going on YouTube to listen to music or watch videos. I also use the internet to watch movies online to occupy my time. I usually use the media for celebrity gossip as I like to keep up with the latest celebrity news, so I use websites such as Daily mail, E online and Hollywood life.
To what extent do you feel we are dependent on the media?
Everyone is very dependent on the media as people use their phones and computers everyday to find out latest news and gossip, or use twitter, Facebook, and instagram to check out updates from the celebrities they have interest in. The older generation are also very dependent on the media, as they would like to know what's going on around the world and what the latest news is, so they would watch the news to find out all these things.
Has our dependence on the media changed over the last 10 years?
Peoples dependence on the media has changed over the last ten years as there has been many changes in society. The biggest reason would be that technology has been advanced in these past few years, technology has been taken to a whole new level and is becoming more advanced year by year, introducing smart phones and tablets, which weren't around in the past. This new technology is changing today's world, and everyone now is very dependent on media as they have everything they need to find out the latest news, gossip, fashion and trends.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Uses and Gratifications Theory (Blumler & Katz)
Researchers Blumler and Katz created an audience theory in 1974 by stating that media audiences are active and make conscious choices about the way they consume media. They suggested there are four main uses or gratifications (pleasures) that audiences get from the media.
Diversion: escape from everyday problems and routine - entertainment
Diversion: escape from everyday problems and routine - entertainment
Britain's got talent is a show based on entertainment, this engages with the audience as it is escapism for some people as the show is very amusing.
- Personal Relationships: using the media for emotional and other interaction (e.g. developing affection for characters in TV)
Keeping Up With The Kardashians is a reality TV show that influences the younger generation to become inspired by the Kardashian family which may aspire the young generation to want to be like the Kardashians - e.g. through modelling or business ventures such as clothing lines.
- Personal Identity: finding ourselves reflected in texts or learning behaviour and values from the media. Reality TV or documentary (Educating Yorkshire) are good examples.
Dragons den is a series in which entrepreneurs get three minutes to pitch their business ideas to five multi-millionaires willing to invest their own cash. This show would attract niche audiences and could help people realise whether or not they have a deep interest in business.
- Surveillance: Information useful for living (e.g. Weather, traffic news, holiday bargains etc.)
The Daily Mail is a popular tabloid newspaper which is up-to-date with the latest news around the world and in showbiz, sports and science.
Tuesday, 25 November 2014
Thursday, 13 November 2014
Preliminary task- shot list
Shot List -
- Long shot of Harmony walking up the school stairs
- Close-up of shoes to emphasise how Harmony is in a rush
- Over-the-shoulder shot of Harmony opening the door
- Medium close-up of Harmony opening the door from the front angle
- Long shot of Jasmine sitting down at a table waiting for Harmony
- Over-the-shoulder shot of Jasmine showing Harmony sitting down in the camera frame at the same time
- Medium close-up of Jasmine as she asks Harmony "Have you done the job?"
- Medium shot of Harmony replying "I'm on it boss.."
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Preliminary task- Script
Class room
School stairs
School corridor
HARMONY AT THE CLASSROOM DOOR. THE SOUND OF THE CLASSROOM DOOR CLICKING OPEN.Jasmine sitting inside the classroom waiting for Harmony to come inside the classroom.
A short slience as the characters look at each other.
Class room
School stairs
School corridor
HARMONY AT THE CLASSROOM DOOR. THE SOUND OF THE CLASSROOM DOOR CLICKING OPEN.Jasmine sitting inside the classroom waiting for Harmony to come inside the classroom.
A short slience as the characters look at each other.
Jasmine : "have you done the job?" She says in a harsh tone.
Harmony: "I'm on it boss" keeping eye contact with jasmine sounding determined yet dangerous.
Friday, 7 November 2014
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Silence of the lambs
The movie silence of the lambs is an american thriller about a young F.B.I. cadet who must receive the help of a manipulative killer on catching another serial killer who skins his victims.
In this scene the serial killer switches the lights off in the house, so the room is pitch black, and the main protagonist, Jodie Foster is trying to make her way out of the house, unaware that the serial killer is wearing night vision goggles to trace her moves.
Many editing effects have been used In the climactic, terrifying chase sequence in a dungeon-like hideaway, the shots show The FBI agent following the serial killer Buffalo bill down the stairs into the cellar with her gun.
Their is a continuing flow of action as the woman is going from side to side with her gun for protection.The mise-en-scene is a vital feature as the setting of this clip is in a very strange place, and this relates to the title of the film 'silence of the lambs' which is also very unusual. In the scene the characters facial expressions show she is completely terrified, as she is panting and sweating, and slowly moving from place to another in complete fear.
There is diegetic sound used through most of the clip which can be heard by both the audience and characters in the scene. Most of this diegetic sound is of her panting, showing she is danger and is scared of what might happen to her next.Non diegetic sound is used towards the end of the scene, as mysterious music which suits the theme and is playing which creates tension and can only be heard by the audience. This music starts to play when she enters a room which she shouldn't be in and creates more pressure for the character and the audience.
A more vital method is that the editing is used to create a more realistic feel through the camera framing and camera movement. This is seen with close ups of the serial killer buffalo bill wearing wearing night vision goggles, this builds up the drama, and creates tension for the audience, as they want to know what happens next. Also we get to see what he can see through his perspective in the goggles, this is a point of view shot. This shot is shown out nearly through the whole of the scene, as it creates a very mysterious atmosphere.
Overall the director shows editing as a main source to establish this tense scene in the movie 'silence of the lambs'. Many factors such as lighting, sound and mis-en-scene all collate this great scene from the movie.
The fault in our stars
The equilibrium is where the main female protagonist has her falls in love with a guy who loves her for who she is.
The disequilibrium is where the female character has to be rushed to hospital as something had happened to her due to her cancer.
The new equilibrium is where the female character dies in the end.
The enigma code is whether the female dies or not.
The hero: the male
The princess: The female
The action codes for this were when the protagonist took out the gun as it indicates that' somebody's about to die or get injured. Also when he chases another man the audience knows that something is about to happen to the guy getting chased.The enigma codes were when his daughter was taken- who took her? Why did they take her? What is her father going to do?
There's is disequilibrium as there is an unfortunate event of the protagonists daughter being taken away and it isn't clear whether there's a resolution or not.
There's is disequilibrium as there is an unfortunate event of the protagonists daughter being taken away and it isn't clear whether there's a resolution or not.
Barthes enigma code is expressed here is the window the main character is talking to then the action code briefly follows by showing a scary looking woman at the other side of the window holding a candle. This is then interlinked with Propps seven spheres of action on analysing the different types of characters. The hero is the one standing opposite the old woman Thai is because there is more top angled lighting making him appear dominate and powerful, where as 'the villain' has less lighting making her appear more dangerous and evil. The donor and the princess is both expressed by his wife the donor being her voice leading him back to his body, this also makes her the princess in need of rescuing because the lost souls are crowding around her. The equilibrium is when the man is closer to his body then there is an in equilibrium when he sees the old woman at the other-side of the window, causing him to waste time so he doesn't make it to his body, the new equilibrium is when he starts hearing his wife's voice eventually making his way to his body.
Saturday, 1 November 2014
Cool brands
Ghd are committed to product innovation and improvements in technology. they deliver a range of market leading professional hair styling tools that deliver a good hair day, every day. Ghd offer the best and most top quality hair styling products that are bound to make your hair look flawess. Dyers lines of appeal could be used in terms of: rich and luxurious lifestyles as they are quite costly and also the line of appeal of beautiful women. Ghd made the cool brand list because it has good quality and is worth it.I really like the brand Good Hair Day as it is a really good company for hair care products and it has delivered to a range of market leading professional hair styling tools that deliver a good hair day, every day
Courvoisier is an well known and popular brandy. Courvoisier believes that life should be enjoyed now. That’s why it has spent 200 years crafting cognac with the perfect blend of aromas so that every second can be lived to the full. The new ‘Here’s to Now’ campaign seeks to challenge the ‘rules’ surrounding the cognac category, highlighting the more unexpected and sociable occasions where Courvoisier can be enjoyed.

Virgin Atlantic flies six million people a year to more than 30 of the world’s most popular destinations. From luxurious Upper Class bars and Clubhouse lounges to an award-winning inflight entertainment system, it offers a taste of the glamour of travel, lost to so many airlines today. Now in its 30th birthday year, a new Vivienne Westwood designed uniform is helping its people deliver, with renewed style and confidence, the unique service that customers love.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
Brand values
Coca-Cola is a soft drink sold in stores, restaurants, and vending machines throughout the world. It is often referred to simply as Coke. 'Coca-Cola' as a brand symbolizes happy families as Coke is usually used for family events (parties, Christmas and birthdays etc..)
Coca-Cola aspire to inspire moments of optimism - through their brands and actions
Nike is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design, development, manufacturing and worldwide marketing and selling of footwear, apparel, equipment, accessories and services. It is one of the world's largest suppliers of athletic shoes, apparel and a major manufacturer of sports equipment. To an extent Nike is associated with self-importance and pride, as well as art, culture and history.
Unleashing innovation to embed sustainability into their approaches to produce and manufacture.
Hollister is a clothing industry that is trying to encourage the American lifestyle. Hollister also tries to create there brand image by the employees (all physically attractive and built) and the unique structure of there stores creating urban and unique atmosphere appealing mostly to teenagers/young adults who are trying to be unique or physically attractive. The lines of appeal expressed in Hollister is 'beautiful woman' suggesting to young male adults that there products would help them get the girl, and to young females suggesting that they would be more appealing to men.
The brand value for Hollister is creating a desirable lifestyle which allows youngsters to be trendy.
The brand value for Hollister is creating a desirable lifestyle which allows youngsters to be trendy.
Apple Inc. is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Cupertino, California, that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, online services, and personal computers. Apple is the worlds second largest information technology company, by revenue after Samsung Electronics, and the worlds second-largest mobile phone maker after Samsung.
Apple aims to provide the best products, and surprise people with innovative new ideas.
Apples brand value is to allow communication and aspiration.

Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Inc. is an American global doughnut company and coffeehouse chain. Their doughnuts and coffee have been created to compliment each other perfectly. They attract and augment their brand value in a different way. They do this by selling their products in various food stores, as well as their own. This means that they will have double amount of customers. Their brand value is Krispy Kreme’s iconic sweet treats are now distributed globally, bringing delectable doughnuts into homes and offices worldwide. This shows that their lines of appeal are happy families as everyone wants to belong. Also, rich luxurious lifestyles as they are fairly expensive.
Sunday, 12 October 2014
Blog feedback and learner response
WWW: Some very good posts - your film poster analysis is comprehensive and your sound presentation was spot on.
EBI: Your lighting stills analysis is incomplete - there were more images that needed analysing. You also need to write in full paragraphs rather than bullet points when you analyse on your blog. It's a vital habit to get into as the year goes on. You also need to get into the habit of highlighting your use of media language in every post - it's a crucial skill and in every mark scheme for A Level media.
LR: Reflect on your first month of AS Media. What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop over the rest of the course?My strongest piece of work so far is my film poster analysis and my Gucci advert analysis as I tried to add as much detail and media language as I could. My weakest piece of work would be my lighting analysis as I didn't complete the task, and I used bullet points instead of writing in full paragraphs. For the rest of this course I will focus on better analysis, writing detailed paragraphs, and highlighting key media language, I will also try to avoid writing in bullet points.
Friday, 10 October 2014
ITV1 TV show: Had enough
ITV's Brand New television show that airs around The beggining of october and the beginning of November (To create that spooky Halloween game show feeling)!
Had Enough?
Location:In a warehouse, a forest and an abandoned police prison in the U.K / France.
Narrative:12 Celebs and well known entrepreneurs go in to a random prison and try to survive 21 nights in a abandoned prison. Will they survive? Ofcourse, but how is the question.
Scheduling:The program will air at around 7.30pm - 8.30pm. This is because not only is it after Emmerdale (one of ITV's most known television shows) it is also in the prime time spot where all the family can watch it together as a family and will not have to replay it at another time because the children are asleep or the parents are cooking. Not only this, it is the perfect time to air it because people usually go trickle treating at around 8.30pm - 10pm. (It will also do a rerun of the programs on ITV 1+HD after the program is done.
Institution / Target audience / demographic:The show will have a wide range of celebrities and guests from the ages from 18 - 40. The celebrities will range from boy bands to News presenters and movie stars to millionaires. Because of this it will not only attract people that are in their teenage years but also people that are much older and younger than that. Our target age range is people from 10 - 49. This is because young people really like to watch things that spook them out and the older generation likes to watch things that give them a challenge. Things such as game shows. This will not only target people from the low side of the demographic but people from the higher side as well - people from the ABC1 demographic. The game show is a mixture of Low brow and high brow entertainment because it is a game show but it is also a show that tests your general knowledge.
Representation:The representation will represent the wide range of celebrities as "airheads" most people think that you need a pretty face and a good figure to be a celebrities or rich or famous so this gameshow will put this to the test. To go of topic slightly, the gameshow will attract people that don't like watching celebrities on T.V because it gives the celebs a challenge and makes them look stupid. This gives the audience a sense of satisfaction.
Ideology:the idea of it is to mostly entertain but to also educate the audience with random facts and general knowledge information they didn't know.
Had Enough?
Location:In a warehouse, a forest and an abandoned police prison in the U.K / France.
Narrative:12 Celebs and well known entrepreneurs go in to a random prison and try to survive 21 nights in a abandoned prison. Will they survive? Ofcourse, but how is the question.
Scheduling:The program will air at around 7.30pm - 8.30pm. This is because not only is it after Emmerdale (one of ITV's most known television shows) it is also in the prime time spot where all the family can watch it together as a family and will not have to replay it at another time because the children are asleep or the parents are cooking. Not only this, it is the perfect time to air it because people usually go trickle treating at around 8.30pm - 10pm. (It will also do a rerun of the programs on ITV 1+HD after the program is done.
Institution / Target audience / demographic:The show will have a wide range of celebrities and guests from the ages from 18 - 40. The celebrities will range from boy bands to News presenters and movie stars to millionaires. Because of this it will not only attract people that are in their teenage years but also people that are much older and younger than that. Our target age range is people from 10 - 49. This is because young people really like to watch things that spook them out and the older generation likes to watch things that give them a challenge. Things such as game shows. This will not only target people from the low side of the demographic but people from the higher side as well - people from the ABC1 demographic. The game show is a mixture of Low brow and high brow entertainment because it is a game show but it is also a show that tests your general knowledge.
Representation:The representation will represent the wide range of celebrities as "airheads" most people think that you need a pretty face and a good figure to be a celebrities or rich or famous so this gameshow will put this to the test. To go of topic slightly, the gameshow will attract people that don't like watching celebrities on T.V because it gives the celebs a challenge and makes them look stupid. This gives the audience a sense of satisfaction.
Ideology:the idea of it is to mostly entertain but to also educate the audience with random facts and general knowledge information they didn't know.
Thursday, 9 October 2014
Camera shots:
- Wide shot/ establishing shot - establishes the setting
- Long shot - you can see from head to toe
- Medium shot- from the waist up
- Medium close-up - from the shoulders up
- Close-up - a shot of the whole face
- Extreme close -up - shows the features of the face clearly e.g. eyes show emotion
- Over-the-shoulder shot - is a shot that shows the shoulder with a little exposure to the background
Camera angles:
- High angle - birds eye view shows the camera looking down on the subject. This has the effect of diminishing the subject, making them appear less powerful, less significant or even submissive.
- Low angle - This shows the subject from below, giving them the impression of being more powerful or dominant.
Camera movement:
A crane shot is where the camera moves around at a distance about ground level (on a crane).
A tracking shot is where the camera follows the action along tracks laid for the purpose.
A steadicam sequence is filmed with a camera attached to a shoulder frame that’s strapped to a camera operator. This makes possible extended shots following characters or action.
Wednesday, 8 October 2014
Institution facts
- Terrestrial
- Largest broadcasting service
- Broadcast in over 200 countries
Dream works:
- Founded in 1994
- Partnered with paramount in previous years
- Steven Spielberg founded it
- Social media platform
- 20 million fake users
- Had a different logo when it was first available
Disney -
- founded in 1923
- theme park called 'disneyland'
- based in hollywood
Film 4 -
- channel 4's second channel
- previews loads of well-known films such as Titanic
- produces many films e.g. East is east
- created in 1995
- 2008 itv player app launched
- based in the uk
Institution feedback
Grade- C
WWW- presented clearly
- Interactive with class
- presented clearly
- covered the topic of synergy well
EBI- Needed more background info
- longer presentation
- presented clearly
- covered the topic of synergy well
EBI- Needed more background info
- longer presentation
Sunday, 5 October 2014
- There is low key lighting created in this image as there is more shadow than light shining on the character
- In this image the light is coming from behind the character creating more of a shadow in the rest of the image, which means there is an element of back-lighting
- The lighting creates a mysterious feel, as the light isn't directly shining on the character however the lighting from behind illustrates she is an important character
- There is low-key lighting created in this image as there is only light shining on her face from above, whereas the rest of the image is all dark.
- There is back lighting used for this image
- The lighting creates a mellow feel to the image as the lighting on her face is soft .
- There is low key lighting used in this image as there is more shadow than light in this image
- There is top lighting used in this image
- The lighting is coming from above which created shadow in the rest of the image, this makes the character look mysterious.
- High key lighting is used in this image as there is more light than shadow, even though the shadows are very dark and visible.
- There is key lighting used in this image, as it looks like the light is shining directly on her
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